Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Inclusion in the classroom

Inclusion In the Classroom

Inclusion in the classroom is very important that it is handled in the right way. I am very interested in this topic because I believe that it is an important issue that students need and it needs to be handled properly. Inclusion is when a the support services are brought to right to the child to cater to their needs rather than taking the child out of the classroom. There are different issues to both sides of this topic of inclusion. I found a great website that really explored the pros and cons on inclusion. (http://www.weac.org/Issues_Advocacy/Resource_Pages_On_Issues_one/Special_Education/special_education_inclusion.aspx) also, (http://techinclusion.tripod.com/)
They say that inclusion really does benefit for everyone if the right materials are used and available. Advocates believe that inclusion will increase individual achievement. I agree that if the right tools are available for the students and teachers, inclusion will be very beneficial. On the other hand, if the classroom is not organized, I believe that inclusion can have a negative impact on some children. Although it is a very beneficial thing for those students who do need the resources because they wont be taken out of the classroom for help, the help will be brought to them. Therefore they wont miss any big assignments or announcements that the teacher presents while they were out of the classroom getting help. This is the biggest reason inclusion is so popular now, the students who have learning problems tend to achieve more because they are getting the help they need without missing class time. Also, when students were taken out of the class room for extra help during the school day, their friends may have wondered where they were or other students in the class may have teased those students. Now, even though they have a aid with them at certain points during the day, they are not fully taken out of the class where the other children can notice completely.

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