Monday, February 22, 2010

Are dress code regulations necessary?

Are dress code regulations necessary?

When I was in high school and middle school I would always wonder why there was such a strict dress code. Now that I am becoming a teacher I see it in a completely different way. I agree that there should be a dress code. If there wasn't, the things that students might wear to school might be absurd. The logos on the shirts could be insulting to some people. Students should be going to school to concintrate on school and not what other people are wearing.
For example I found a lot of information on They say that if their are a group of people who wear baggy pants and bandanas, other students might be very intiminated by them and think its some sort of gang. Students should feel safe in school not intiminated and scared. Also, if students dress in a seductive way, this can really draw the opposite sexs attention any from their studies. The reason students are at school is to learn not look at the opposite sex all day. In my opinion, I think that uniforms will solve the whole problem of the wrong dress code. I dont think there is anything wrong with uniforms, I actually think it is a good idea for most schools.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Which school setting is more beneficial, Public or Private?

Which school setting is more beneficial, Pubic or Private school?

I have always wondered if a private school would be more beneficial than a public school. When I was in middle school I had the opportunity to go to Austin Prep, a catholic private school in my town, but I decided I didn't want to go because I wanted to go to high school with my friends. My brother is two years below me in school and when the opportunity came up for him, he took it and attended Austin Prep. He is now a senior and it was really interesting to compare our two educational experiences. Looking back personally, I would 100% go to a private school if I could make my decisions all over again. I had a learning disability in high school and I really don't believe my public school did the best on working through that with me. Also, the work load was significantly smaller at my high school than my brothers work load at Austin Prep. I think that Austin Prep really can prepare kids for the work in college and they get a little more experience in that area, whereas I feel as though I wasn't as prepared for the work load in college because I wasn't doing 2-3 hours of homework a night. I was doing 1 at the very most.

After doing some research on this topic I found out some interesting pros and cons of both Public and Private schools.(
In public school teachers are more qualified for their subject area. They also spend more time studying the CORE Curriculum, English, Math, Social Studies and Science. Public schools tend to have more services for learning disabilities. Some negative aspects of a public school are that they tend to have larger class sizes than private schools. They then lack the amount of supplies and text books needed. A big disadvantage of a public school is that they are not all created equal.
On the other hand, Private schools have smaller class sizes and a smaller teacher to student ratio. The teachers can be more dedicated to the student and the parents of that student which is a huge reason why parents like private schools. In private schools there are lower incidence of drugs, violence etc. Students that attend a private school tend to perform higher on the National Assessment of Education Process. Also, there are many courses offered that are college focused and just generally gets the students ready for college experiences.
There are some drawbacks of Private schools though. These schools are much more costly than public schools. The teachers are not required to have any special certifications. The admissions process is very competitive, unlike public schools where everyone can attend. In private schools some schools do not have any special education programs and are not required to.
Ultimately, the decision of going to a private vs. a public school is up to the parents and how well they think their child will do in either setting. It depends on the student them self. I agree that it really depends on the student. I think that private schools definitely get you physically and mentally more prepared for college.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hello Everyone

Hey Guys, this is my first time using a blog and I am using it to update you with my education at Salem State for a class I am taking. The class seems really interesting so far, there is a lot of work but I think that its just because it is an online class so it seems like a lot. I have never taken an online class before so I'm still kind of getting use to everything. I am really excited to start my observation hours and everything, it should be a lot of fun. The pictures to the left are my friends and I, my boyfriend and I, and my puppy Champ who is almost 2 now. They are just so you can get to know a little bit about me and my life.